Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

So this has been a nice long weekend for Cas and I so far. It was my Friday off, so Cas and I spent a lot of time running around on Friday doing errands. We went to the grocery store, DSW (to return something), met a truck to pick up my "Cajun Microwave"(I explain more about that later), and went to Target to finish up on some baby shopping for a couple of baby gifts. I feel like we ran around all day.

Cas was a huge help as she always is, and even let us get all of that done. I am hosting a baby shower for a girl at work, and so that is what the baby gift was for. Also my step-sister who lives in Missouri (Katie) and her husband (Adam) are expecting their first on June 22nd. So I did a little shopping for them as well. I can't wait to meet the little one as we will be there over the fourth of July. No pressure on Katie, but I hope she has had that baby by then!!!

OK, so off the tangent and back to the "Cajun Microwave". I went to OTC(Offshore Technology Conference) and actually dropped my business card into the cajun microwave, and my name was drawn...Go figure the one time I win something I will not use. The best way to describe it is as a smoker. I have put the link for the one that I got on this post, so if you are interested, you can go check it out. I am not keeping it as Mike and I would not use it enough, but I have already sold it to my cousin...I know Scott will enjoy it. Here's the link if you are interested in seeing it. I hope the link was embed right...

So Mike just measured Cassidy and she is 39 and a half inches tall, and 34 pounds. My little one is growing up...=-( Actually even though I am a little sad she is, I am so excited. The older she gets, the more fun it is...

Saturday morning started out fun for me...(Just kidding)...I decided to go to the gym, mow the yard, and then clean the house...sounds great huh! I know secretly you are jelous as you read this. Cassidy as always was a big help, and Mike helped as well. Nothing like a nice clean house...

There are a couple of pictures of Cassidy in our clothes laundry baskets...she has loved this since she was a little girl. If they are empty, she will drag them out to the living room, tump them over and now can get them back up. She will sit in them for hours. I wonder if she will do this when she is sixteen...

FROGGY PURSE!!!!! So I know it seems crazy that I am excited about a Froggy Purse, but I bought it for Cassidy about a year ago. I will admit it, it was a bribe. We did the wrong thing and let Cas sleep with us for a while when she was younger. Sometimes I think it was more for me than anyone. I guess working full time, I loved having that closeness to Cassidy. Anyway, I bought a froggy purse for Cassidy and told her when she started sleeping in her bed full time she would get it. We still have had a couple of nights where she gets up in the night and wants to come downstairs, but she starts out in her bed! So I have to say how proud I am of Cas. Good job Big Girl!

Mike and I had a date night last night because of our wonderful babysitter and friend Kathy. We went out to dinner at PF Changs and ate way to much, and then went to see Night at the Museum II. It was good, but definetly wasn't as funny as the first one...I was a little dissapointed. Anyway, thanks to Gammy, we are having an afternoon and entire night alone. Poppa and Gammy are letting Cas come over a little later and spend the night. They are so wonderful! Thanks Mom and Garth. We love you!

For a three and a half year old, Cas is very imaginative. I don't know where she gets that (WINK!) Just a little bit ago, I was upstairs in the study, listening to Cassidy and Mike's conversation...
Cas: "Daddy, what flavor would you like?"
Mike:"Of what?"
Cas: "Lollipops"
Mike: "What are my choices?"
Cas:"Well...there's Winter Watermelon, Artic Apple, Polar Pappaya, Burbur Banana, and Chilly Cherry. So which one do you want?"

Mike responded back with his answer, I didn't hear the rest of what it was...anyway, I am always amazed.

Cassidy got a new electric toothbrush...Barbie...(I know my Mom will love that!) She loves brushing her teeth. I am excited about that as I can tell she is getting older and can do more on her own. I have posted some pictures of Cas and her new toothbrush...(Only a dentist's daughter)

This morning Cas helped Daddy with making Cinamon Rolls, she always has a good time with that. She also somewhat helped me with organizing some DVD cases. (I was really trying to get them upstairs, but she decide to lay them all out and try to jump across them).

Here are some pictures that I have taken recently, mostly this week, and this weekend...Enjoy!

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