Friday, October 21, 2011

Last weekend in pictures

Good friends, beautiful days, lots of fun!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

So much to say, so little time

So, I have to admit I have been ignoring my blog again. Well, not really ignoring, I have just been busy. With what you ask? I don't know honestly, but I guess the writer's block has just been there. I have pictures from Cas' 6th birthday, but they aren't going to be posted now. They are at home on my other computer, so I will have to get them to share later. We have a six year old in the house now, and wow, has she grown up. Both physically and emotionally. I am amazed what a 6th birthday will do. The "little girl" that was five is gone, and now, the "big girl" that is six is here. She is still sweet, and loving, but she is getting more self sufficient. I can say that I am enjoying it more. We seem to get along better now. Call me crazy.

Anyway, I know that this is a rambling post, and without any pictures is a little boring. So I promise to be back and with pictures soon!

Until next post!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you that fateful day?

Speaking from experience we all have that day, I remember vividly where I was when that first plane hit the tower on September 11th. I remember sitting out on the trade floor as I worked for an energy company at that time. I remember all of the televisions that were up around the trade floor to see day trading and the stock numbers. I remember hearing someone say "Oh, no what is happening?" to look up and see the tower starting to crumble in front of my eyes. I remember the horror of our faces as we watched a the plane hitting the tower and could see all of the smoke. I also remember the news crew that was there being speechless for a moment. Not knowing what to say or do. Then the real horror set in. A voice from our office said, isn't that where Jay Shaw was working?" We all started to compare conversations we had with our former co-worker Jay before he left and moved to NYC. You see, Jay went to work for Cantor-Fitzgerald, that was located in One World Trade Center, and had floors 101-105. All we could think of from that moment for quite a few moments to follow was maybe Jay didn't go to work that day, maybe he was sick or on vacation. We all started praying, praying for the people that were in the towers, praying for the emergency crews, and most of all, praying for Jay. Hoping that maybe he was one of the lucky ones. Well, I am sure that you are wondering and I do have to say unfortunately Jay's life was not spared. But with that being said, I do believe that Jay went to be with God that day. I do think he is a guardian angel.

After being what I felt was so close to the attacks that day, flash forward to April of 2011. Mike and I were planning our ten year wedding anniversary. We were discussing where we wanted to go. We talked about the beach, Las Vegas, and then Mike said what about NYC. I thought about it, and decided sure, why not. I had always wanted to go to NYC, and it seemed that it would be a great time to go. So, we planned our trip, and this past June headed out.

Little did I know how much that trip would mean to me. I was able to see Lady Liberty in all of her glory, and see Manhattan by day and by night, but most importantly, I was able to see Freedom Tower and see New York City recovering. It was an emotional but amazing trip.

I will never forget September 11, 2001.

(Above:Freedom Tower being worked on)

(Above: Lady Liberty as seen from the Top of Rockefeller Center, also known as Top of the Rock)

Until next post, where I promise to post more pics.

Please don't ever forget!

Monday, August 29, 2011

What's going on...

So I have been posting a little less these days. Guess life is just a little bit crazy. But today, I decided to tickle people by letting you know what is going on. We are officially a house of a first grader. It seems that I am back in school, between the homework and the artwork and projects, there is never a dull moment.

This past weekend was hotter than Haitis. (And I can officially say that as I have been to Haiti before). It was over 100 all weekend. So, we had to find other things to do. Why not, indoor, blacklight put put golf! We had a great time. It was so much fun. And I even got a few pics for you. I know you are excited.

Well, until next post, enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My first day of school for my first grader

Cassidy didn't have a huge change this year at school. She has in the sense of becoming a big first grader, but she didn't have to change schools, and she knows half of the class already. So for her, she just felt it was another day of school, except most of her friends were back. Next year will be different since she will be going to a different school, but I am not going to worry about that today. I get to my office around 6:00 in the morning, so I missed this first day of school, but next year I plan on being there, if Mike will let me. So, of course I am partial, but I have to say, my big girl was adorable! What do you think?

This first one was in the morning...

These two below are from after school. We did homework, and Cas even got an after school treat, homemade ice cream!

Until next post!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Old Pictures

I was looking through old pictures and can't believe how much my munchkin has grown up. Here is one taken from late spring. My little girl isn't so little anymore. And man, she has some legs on her. Don't know where the height is coming from, I am only 5'6 and Mike is 5'6. I have a feeling she will be taller than the both of us. Uh Oh! Well, enjoy until next post!

From May 4, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Better late than never

I have a kindergarten graduate in my house. Did you know that? Cassidy was so cute on graduation day. I would love to freeze that moment in time. However, now it is already two months later, so I guess that won't happen. She did great. She even read word for word a saying that her teacher gave her. My baby knows how to read! YAY!!!!

Well, enjoy the pictures (sorry about the set up of them, but I am having issues!)
Until next post!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So, I just celebrated my 35th birthday. I know, I know, you want to hear all about it. And believe me there is a lot to tell. Luckily I remember all of it, and can tell you about all of it, unlike my 30th birthday.

Anyway, it was a great time had by all. I had my cousins Kelly and Chris and their kids, one of my best friends Patty her husband Mike and their daughter, and my other best friend Janine, her husband Edison, and their kids.

Needless to say, we did have a few drinks, but the most fun we had was playing Minute to Win It games! Everyone had a blast, and we even set up the challenge to win a coveted trophy. Well, I wish I could say that Mike and I one it, but we didn't. But, our friends Janine and Edison did. They kicked booty as a team.

Here are some pictures of the night.

Enjoy, until next post!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cheer Camp

Cassidy and her cousin Bailey recently went to a cheer camp at our church. They had a blast! Here are some pictures from their fun.

Until Next Post!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A day at work...with Mom

Every year my office has an official, "Take your Kids to Work Day", and boy do they do it up right. It starts about 7:30 in the morning with breakfast and a book fair, and then the fun begins. the kids travel from room to room learning about Oil and Gas and what their parents do. There was so much this year. We learned about Geology, we learned about life offshore, and we learned how to take care of the environment, just to name a few. There was even a live owl when we went to learn about animals and the environment. Not to mention that Energenie (our mascot) was there. Cassidy loved Energiene, and had no problems getting her picture taken with him. Here are some pictures of my big girl at Kids at Work day 2011. I took some with my camera too, but don't have them ready yet. So, you will just have to enjoy the ones that are here thanks to the photographers from my office.

I will post some more of my own tonight when I get home.
Until Next post!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Blue Man Group at Astor Place Theatre

While we were in New York went decided to go to a show. We are not real Broadway people, so we looked and looked until we could find something that both of us would like. We ended up with tickets to The Blue Man Group, and we were not disappointed. It was an amazing show and there was not a bad seat in the house. (Unless you didn't wanted to be covered in paint!) Luckily, Mike and I were sitting in the upper mezzanine and had an amazing view. The Blue Men even scaled the walls and came up to see us. WOW!

Until next post!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New York

Mike and I recently traveled to New York City for our ten year anniversary. Neither one of us had ever gone to NYC, and we really enjoyed it. Although it was a lot, and I do mean a lot of walking, since it was just the two of us we were able to take as much time as we needed. We packed everything we possibly could into two and a half days. I had to come home to rest! Anyway, here are a few pictures from our adventures.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'll be back...

I've been gone for a couple of weeks. We have just had a lot going on. New York state of mind I guess. Mike and I had a great time, but we missed out girl. I am glad that we are home. New York was wonderful, but I am a Texas girl at heart. Anyway, I am in the process of editing pictures, so I am planning on posting some this weekend along with a few of our adventures. To give you a hint, we heard bad singing on the subway, ate NY pizza, and saw all of the tourist sights. It was great!

I promise not to leave you for so long next time. And this weekend I will share more of our trip.

Until then

Saturday, May 21, 2011


We have almost made it...just a couple more weeks of school and then it's Summertime! One of my favorite times of year. Not because of the weather, I can tell you that for sure. Living in Texas, especially Houston it gets hot and muggy quick. Last weekend we went to Cassidy's End of the Year School bash. They hold it at a really neat pool that has slide and lots of things to play with. Cassidy's teacher was there and was so excited. Cassidy has had a wonderful school year and I am so thankful for Mrs. Juneau!

Until Next Post!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Error message

So I come to you in this post frustrated as I was just told by a mean error message that I apparently exceeded my limit of pictures and memory on my Picasa account that I have linked to my blog! UGH!!!! Until I can figure this difficulty out, I guess you will have boring posts...but please don't leave me for good. I will be back up and running in a couple of days...I promise.

Now I am off to figure out what pictures I can purge and what is a meaningful memory!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Today was wonderful. I am such a lucky woman. I have a wonderful, amazing daughter, and a just as amazing husband. Here is a look at some of my Mother's Day. What did yours look like?

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there!

Until Next Post

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Sick Baby

So instead of being at work right now, I am at the house listening to Nick Jr. on t.v. Wanna know why? Well, you are on my blog, so I am going to tell you whether you do or not. My little baby is sick. Of course my poor baby can't get an easy sickness. My poor baby has STREP THROAT!!! YIKES! Wish us luck as we try to go through getting her better without getting one of us sick. Luckily our household is small, so if we do all get sick, it it usually all done pretty quick. After one does of meds you would not think she had a fever of 101 in the doctor's office. She has such a high tolerance for pain. (Just like her momma). Anyway, she came home and told me that she was not tired, and was not going to take a nap and then proceeded to crash for about an hour and a half. YAY! Mommy got a break too.

Well, so much for my whinning, I guess I should get back to my child who is sick but surely not acting that way (as she is sitting in the overstuffed chair watching cartoons, eating a snack of coco puffs!) I know, but she is sick, she needs something to make her smile!

**Oh, before I go, I had to share this with you.

Earlier before the above mentioned coco puffs, Cas told me she wanted a little snack. She said, "I've been watching t.v. all day and playing with Bella all day. That's my story." Not sure now that I have written it again why I thought it was so funny the first time, but she has such a funny personality.

Well, I would say that next time I post I hope to have better news, but we are on ten days of antibiotics, so it should be intersting. Wish me luck!

Until next post!

Hobbies (not to be mistaken with Hobbits)

Do you have any hobbies? Do you enjoy something so much that you could quite your everyday job, and do your hobby to make a living? Do you often dream about your hobby? Am I crazy for doing all of the above. If yes, then I never do that. (Wink). My hobby is photography. I am sure I have talked about that before and I am sure that you have figured that out already. I actually started an external company (remember I do have a full time job for an energy company). My photography company is called 'Noelle Photography by Shelley Black'. Yep that's me. Here is my website for , when you go on the website, you can see some of the photo shoots I have done in the past. If you click on the proofs page, you will see what I have up. Or you can go to any of the sections (family, maternity, baby, children, seniors). Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about adding a little something to my blog with some of the nature and architectural pictures I have taken. What do you think? I have thought about adding a little something with those pictures to my blog. I have so many pictures it is not even funny. My honey had to buy an external hard drive for our computer. All for me. Crazy. I never knew I would find something to be so passionate about. Well, I will work on getting a button and putting up some pictures for Noelle Photography. If you want to look, you will know where to find them.
***Of course I was going to try to have a post without pictures, but since I was talking about them I thought I would share one of my favorites from 2010 of Cassidy. It was in Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Thanks for listening.
Until next post!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

10 years ago...

10 years ago today, I was waking up knowing that this afternoon would be my fairytale day. 10 years ago today, I sat eating breakfast talking with my sister and Mom (my two best friends) about what the afternoon would bring. 10 years ago today I reflected on my life and what was about to change. 10 years ago today I was more excited than I could ever imagine. 10 years ago today I married my new best friend.(Of course my circle grew and instead of two best friends there were three). I never knew that I could love someone so much, but I do! I love you Mike now and forever. Since I am being so sappy today, I thought I would share some of our special day with you. I hope you have your someone special, and if not, I hope you find them soon!

Below are some of my favorite pictures, and then the pictures I have uploaded to an album.

Below is my dad and I...

Below is my sister and I...
From Wedding Pictures

These are all the others pictures that I had uploaded right now. I will upload more soon.

After we got married we went on a cruise for our honeymoon. We headed to Cozumel, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman. Plus a private island off of the coast of Haiti! Here are just a few pictures because I didn't have many uploaded.(Gosh we sure look young!) But I hope you enjoy!

Until next post!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thank you Easter Bunny!

Cassidy LOVED meeting the Easter Bunny this year. She loved hunting for eggs, she loved the Easter story at church as well, but she mostly loved spending time with her cousin!

I loved this picture of Cassidy so I watned to share it with you! What do your Easter pictures look like?

Until Next Post!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sneak Peek

I don't know if you have heard, but someone special is coming tomorrow. He is fury, hops and doesn't speak(usually). His initials are E.B. Well, he has gotten Cassidy's basket all ready for her, and you know I could not wait to show you, so here it is...(EB dropped it off early).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A new seed

So Sunday was a beautiful day. We spent time getting things cleaned around the house, yardwork, cleaning the dog, etc. Sunday afternoon we were sitting outside for a bit, and Cassidy remembered that we have some packets with wildflower seeds. I know it's late in the season, but we decided why not plant them. We will see how they are doing...who knows. All I can say is we had a lot of fun planting them. What do you think?