Wednesday, April 28, 2010

9 years...really?

(This morning started out pretty normal, as I was getting ready for work, but it quickly changed. Normally, the mornings are quiet, and I am alone, as Mike, Cassidy and the dog are still sleeping. As I was getting dressed in the bathroom, the door opened, and there stood my wonderful VERY SLEEPY husband. He walked over said good morning, and Happy Anniversary. I told him how much I appreciated him waking up to tell me Happy Anniversary before I went to work, and his response...he only woke up because he drank to much water and had to go to the bathroom...WOW, we have been married for 9 years.) Now with that being said, this post is dedicated to my Amazing, wonderful husband.

Today celebrates my 9 year wedding anniversary, with a man that is more wonderful than I could ever imagine. In some ways I can't believe it's only been 9 years, and in other ways I can't believe it hasn't been longer.

Mike and I have been through a lot of trials in our marriage. The one thing that I can safely say though is I have never doubted Mike's love for me. We have been through buying a home, changing jobs, having a baby, and everything else involved in a marriage. We have been through the small fights, and even the big ones. I don't know where I would be if Mike wasn't with me. I know that I could not do this walk alone, especially now that we have a daughter with us.

Mike has loved me fat and thin, pregnant and moody. We have laughed together, cried together, fought together and I know together we will concur the world. (Not that we need to right now). Actually, our life lately, although a little busy, has been pretty calm, and very stable. Luckily we have not had any major things really going on.

I still remember nine years ago today, having slept on a blow up mattress the night before our wedding (long story), and waking up in my Mom's house to a wonderful breakfast. Sitting outside thinking about the day ahead and that I was about to marry my best friend. I remember every moment of getting ready, the drive to the church, seeing family and friends, and knowing how surrounded in love we were. I am so thankful that we were able to experience that, and truly believe that with the support of our family and friends we are where we are today.

I have never been more in love with Mike then I am right now. Just when I don't think I could love Mike more, I wake up and do. He is a wonderful husband, lover, friend, and most importantly now, the best dad(next to mine), that I have ever known.

I am looking forward to the next nine years and what they will bring.


Until next post,

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